Friday, January 9, 2009

Woman finds rare Reds card

In a story that first appeared in the Fresno Bee last week, 72-year-old Bernice Gallego found a rare 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings card, put it on eBay, got plenty of inquiries but no bids and canceled the auction when she found out it was probably worth a lot more than the $10 she initially was asking for it.

The Enquirer's John Erardi says in his story about Gallego and the card that local collector Steve Wolter says the card isn't worth the $100,000 that was speculated upon in news outlets, but it could be worth as much as $20,000. Wolter's quote:

Those cards (of that 1869 team) are considered the first baseball cards, and although they aren't extremely rare - there might be only 15-20 of them in existence - they're still pretty hard to find," Wolter said. Depending on the condition of the Fresno card, it could be worth from $4,000-$5,000 to $15,000-$20,000.

Wow. I first read about it on Yahoo! Sports yesterday and figured it's the time of story that would interest even non-baseball fans and non-card collectors.

And for those who do or did collect baseball cards, this story from Yahoo! Sports may interest you as well.


Unknown said...

Little did those Red Stockings know that they would be initiating what would be more than 140 years of failure.

Also, not a huge baseball card nut - but how is it that "15-20" in existence is not 'extremely rare'? That sounds pretty rare to me.

Dave said...

Yeah, I guess "extremely rare" means 1-2??