Thursday, January 8, 2009

No Baldelli for Reds (who gets the page view for breaking it last night), and others are reporting that the Red Sox are close to signing Rocco Baldelli. Walt Jocketty had expressed interest in Baldelli, especially after an offseason visit to the Cleveland Clinic revealed that his condition was channelopathy, a non-progressive, more treatable problem than the mitochondrial fatigue syndrome with which he had been previously diagnosed. Jocketty had said he talked with Baldelli's agent, Casey Close, about Rocco very recently, as the Reds were preparing to bring back Jerry Hairston Jr. - another of Close's clients - who signed a one-year deal yesterday.

It's looking less and less like the acquisition of another run-producing outfielder is going to happen.


Unknown said...

Trust me, you don't want Baldelli. My prediction: 92 games played, 12 hr, 37 rbi, .279 avg, 46 diseases diagnosed.

Anonymous said...

Why play in a bandbox if you're not going to hit home runs. Where is the power in this lineup, other than Bruce and Votto and maybe EE. Do you really expect Ramon Hernandez to hit that many?