Thursday, October 9, 2008

This and that

• In case you missed it: Chad admitted he kissed Marvin during Sunday's loss in Dallas.

• In case you missed it, Part II: Dusty Baker is filling in as the coach for his son's 10-and-under traveling tournament team. There's a quote about how it's been a dream of Dusty's to coach his son, but he must not have THAT much faith in Darren's playing ability if he doesn't just want to wait for Darren to reach the bigs. Although by that time Dusty could be in his 70s.

• CBS' Clark Judge mentions two Bengals among his Free agents: The good, the bad and Javon Walker. They're both under "the bad," and he cuts Antwan Odom some slack because of his injury but doesn't mention at all that Ben Utecht - his other bad Bengals free agent signing - has also been banged up. Do your homework, Clark.

Cincyjungle has a good item about how 50% of the players the Bengals have drafted since 2003 are gone.

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